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Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Cup, Nails, Darkness, Skull, Sitting and Watching

The Cup 
“O My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as You will.” Matthew 26:39
Jesus drank the bitter cup to the last dregs and sometimes as partakers in the sufferings of Christ we too must go through bitter times we too must drink from the cup! Not just sip, but drink even the dregs.

The Nails
Then they crucified Him Matthew 27:35
By the hands of wicked men Christ was crucified! They hammered the nails into His hands - sometimes the Lord brings people into our lives who are like the nails - painful, they grieve us but we are partakers of His sufferings! As Christ suffered so do I!

The Darkness
Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land Matthew 27:45
Christ was taken to a very dark place at Calvary - separation from His Father, but He waited! He could have easily come down from the cross, but He stayed in that dark place, waiting. When God takes us to dark places He allows that darkness, then we must sit and wait upon Him not try to free ourselves and jump this way and that. Our comfort must come from God alone, not from the world or our emotions.

The Skull
And when they had come to a place called Golgotha, that is to say, Place of a Skull, Matthew 27:33
The skull is an empty place - no sight, no hearing, no thought, nothing at all - emptiness. We can go to the place of the skull - sometimes we have little understanding of God's purposes - we cannot see His ways, we cannot hear Him speak, but we wait! This is part of partaking in the sufferings of Christ.

Sitting and Watching Jesus
And those who passed by blasphemed Him, wagging their heads Matthew 27:39
Sitting down, they [the soldiers] kept watch over Him there Matthew 27:36
At Calvary some passed by, blasphemed Him and wagged their heads - they weren't interested in sitting and watching Jesus, they wanted to mock Him (v39) but in verse 36 the Roman soldiers sat down and kept watch over Him. Those who walked past didn't see who Jesus truly is, they weren't interested in Him, only mocking Him, but the ones who sat down and watched Jesus were the ones who came to the conclusion that He is the Son of God! Even as believers we have to watch Jesus, fix our eyes upon Him, to become like Him we have to observe Him through the Word (ie Scripture).

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