This is an important chapter as it shows us the Sufficiency of Christ!
In Bethlehem [House of Bread] there was a barley harvest and everybody was involved as the harvest was precious to them. Even the lowest level of society was provided for by the poor people being allowed by law to glean what was left. Boaz, being a godly man, allowed the poor to glean from his fields. Ruth was 'at the bottom of the pile' as a foreigner (deuteronomy 23 esp. verse 3) - the Moabites were judged for not allowing the Israelites into the promised land. Ruth was not wanted in the worship of God! She is a picture of what we are by birth - alienated from the people of God because the Law of God is against us naturally.
Leviticus 11: 44 For I am the LORD your God. You shall therefore consecrate yourselves, and you shall be holy; for I am holy. - we cannot be like this without Christ's sacrifice! We cannot work to be justified - the Law provides a barrier between God and man and we could never satisfy God with our works! Chapter 2 has great hope both for Ruth and sinners.
Ruh had nothing at all and was pleased to glean the barley. She would rather be with Naomi than back in idolatrous Moab. She didn't know Bethlehem that well and she happened upon a field - God was leading her to Boaz! God's hand is over us always and He works for His people! God's hand was also on Christ [Acts 2:23]
Psalm 107 - He guides them to their desired haven. Ruth was being led and guided. Boaz was wealthy but this wasn't the key issue (see v20). Boaz was placed by God and was very special because he could provide for Ruth - he could do something about the Law for Ruth and could help her settle her accounts. He was her kinsman redeemer - under the Law he could marry Ruth! She would become a person of God - Gods Law has to be dealt with properly!
In Boaz there was strength, he was someone Ruth could lean upon and find in him what she needed! The same is true regarding Christ and His people! We come to God through our Kinsman Redeemer. Christ is the delight of the Father (Proverbs 8). Christ took flesh to be like one of us, not just to be a Saviour, but to be a Relative - a Kinsman Redeemer!
A Kinsman Redeemer has to be able to pay but our problem isn't money - it is sin! Jesus ha paid our debts in full by His death on the cross. Christ is more than sufficient.
Is the Kinsman Redeemer willing? God didn't have to save. John 10: 17 “Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again." Christ was willing to be our Saviour! Salvation is personal - Christ saved ME!
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