The book of Ruth is far more than a love story. It tells of God restoring us - He loves to have us back. Our salvation is not what I have done but is on what Christ has done.
Ruth was welcomed by Boaz - he didn't turn her away. None of us have anything to recommend us to Christ, but He never turns us away and He always accepts us!
In chapter 4 Ruth had already gone to Boaz, but there is more here in this chapter. We are being saved (1 Corinthians 1:18), it is a daily process. Christ continues to work in us. His love is new every morning. 1 John 1:3 tells us that it doesn't appear what we shall be yet, but when He appears we shall be like Him! Our Salvation is past present and future. The saving work of Christ will be declared
In this chapter things will be revealed - Boaz comes to the city gate, this was the most public place, and he makes a public declaration about Ruth! This is a picture of Christ's return. Who is the un-named relative? This is a picture of the law again! Christ will prove the vindication of His people. [2 Corinthians 5:10 - we must all appear before the judgement seat of God]
The Law is the perfect will of God, but we have all broken it in our sins. We are born in debt to the Law and we cannot meet the payments so we are in debt and as time goes on the 'interest' becomes greater and greater, but the account must be settled! Such a dilemma!
Boaz tells the un-named relative that he has prior claim on Ruth. At first he did want it, but he had to redeem her, but he couldn't do it! The Law can never save - 'by works of law none can be justified'. We try to do better but can never meet the demands of the Law! What the Law cannot do, Boaz can do it and he is willing to do it! Christ can redeem us (Romans 8:3). God sends His Son to meet the cost of the Law. In Scripture, the emphasis is on the resurrection of Christ. When we die ordinarily we are rightfully death's, but when Christ rose from the dead - death could not hold Him because He is perfect - He was not a debtor to the Law. He is the living proof that He can redeem sinners. At judgement the Law stands against us, but Christ paid the penalty and He will publicly declare it to all!
v5-10 Boaz paid the debt on behalf of Ruth, now he is claiming her - he is specific! Salvation is personal and specific! Hallelujah! The miracle is that any are saved. Christ chose a specific people [cf. Titus]. Christ desired me before the foundation of the world - that is grace!
Ruth was made willing to come to Boaz! We are all made willing by the work of the Holy Spirit! He draws us to Christ - there will come a day when all will bow!
There is no half-hearted salvation and there is no two-tier salvation. Ruth was nothing but she was bought into the line of the Lord, along with Rahab. We are precious in the sight of God. We are bought fully into God's people when we are redeemed by Christ's blood. We are fully joined to Christ and will eventually be like Him! Amen!
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