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Thursday, 16 June 2011

Progressions in Christ's miracles

In the Boat:

1st time - Jesus is in the boat with Peter
2nd time - the Lord is asleep in the boat
3rd time - Jesus not in the boat during the storm - ended with Peter walking on water

Took more faith each time!


1st - Jairus' daughter newly dead
2nd - widow's son - put on cart
3rd - Lazarus decomposing in the grave

Death gives way to Christ! Christ is 'Death of death and Hell's Destruction'

Christ repeats the same miracles time and again!

Greatest repeat is Christ:

He is Adam repeated - Man as man should be. Christians are joined to the perfect, ideal man. Are found sinless IN Him.

In Adam - Death
In Christ - Life, knowing God.

In Adam - Banishment
In Christ - Nearness to God

In Adam - Condemnation
In Christ - Vindication

In Adam - Curse
In Christ - Blessing

In Adam - Judgement
In Christ - Deliverance

In Adam - Shame
In Christ - Glory

In Adam - Poverty
In Christ - Riches of grace

In Adam - Defeat
In Christ - Victory

In Adam - Sorrow
In Christ - Joy

In Adam - Weakness
In Christ - His Strength

In Adam - Enmity
In Christ - Friendship

In Adam - Bondage
In Christ - Liberty

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