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Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Jesus died for His enemies! In love He went to the cross for those who hated Him!

Was thinking this morning (27th June 2021) about the compassion of Christ! How much He endured to save a people for Himself! 

No other figure in any religion EVER endured so much suffering for their enemies! 

Jesus Christ went to the cross to take the penalty (death) for those who naturally hate Him! 

The compassion He showed! Not just those people in His day, but millions, if not billions throughout the ages!

He suffered the shame of a cruel death, a painful death so that He may win a people for Himself! 

Romans 3:23 tells us that we have ALL sinned and fall short of God's glory, then Romans 6:23 tells us that the penalty (wages) for those sins is death (eternal death), but Jesus Christ took God's wrath and judgement upon Himself so that His people may have everlasting life and stand faultless before the throne! 

Who else has done that for their friends, let alone their enemies? 

Mohammed went through the Arabian Peninsular massacring people who wouldn't accept his new religion - Jesus Christ bore OUR punishment on the cross - He died that His people might live!

Buddha exchanged clothes with a poor man but he didn't die for his enemies - in fact Jesus became poor that WE might become rich! Jesus Christ gives us His robes of righteousness so that we are acceptable in His Father's sight. 

The gods of the world don't die for their enemies - only Jesus had a heart overflowing with compassion for His enemies, so much so that He endured the cross and suffered the pain and anguish of God (His Father) turning His back upon Him so that God wouldn't turn His back on sinners! 

THIS is the message of Christianity - God so LOVED the world (the world which hates Him) that He GAVE His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him should NOT perish, but have everlasting life (John 3:16)!

No religious figure has died for those who despised and hated them, but Jesus Christ died for those who despised and hated Him - He looked down from the cross and said "Father forgive them (those who mocked, scorned, scourged Him and who hammered big iron nails into His hands and feet), for they know not what they do!" 

Would you die for your enemies? Would you die for the people who hate you, the people who annoy you? Jesus died for those who hated Him - such love!!