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Friday, 5 June 2020

Unity and All Lives Matter

I think the murder of George Floyd sent shock waves around the world! How could a servant of the public put his knee on a man's throat and keep it there as he begged for his life, saying "I can't breathe, I can't breathe"? The police man had others with him, who made no effort to help Floyd out!  It saddens me that this kind of thing has happened (although, it doesn't surprise me).  

I have been a Christian for nearly 30 years, this year and as I have gone on with my walk, I have grown to understand so much of the gospel. Christ's coming to earth and what He has done for millions (if not billions) of people throughout the past 2,000+ years. One of the things He has done is to UNITE different groups of people together. 

It doesn't matter whether you are Jew, Gentile, Male, Female, Slave, Free, Black, White - Jesus UNITES those people groups who may not have got on before. 

I remember hearing a missionary who worked for Christian Witness Israel, saying that in Israel there are former Jews and Muslims (Israelis and Arabs) worshipping together, fellowshipping together, loving one another because of Christ! 

In the church I attend we have blacks, whites and Asians worshipping together, loving one another, having fellowship with one another. 

I read in Corrie ten Boom's book The Hiding Place, that after the war she went around places preaching the love and forgiveness of Christ in churches. After one talk a man came up to her to shake her hand - he was one of the guards in Ravensbruck, the concentration camp where Corrie and her sister Betsie were put because they hid Jews in their house/watch shop. Her sister Betsie died in the camp! She found it difficult, at first, to shake his hand, as she remembered the horrors of the camp, but after praying for a heart of forgiveness, she shook his hand and felt the warmth of Christ's love flowing through her!  Jesus unites, heals and repairs relationships! 

ALL Lives Matter and if only people would build bridges instead of thick walls... 

Jesus built a bridge between God and man! In our natural state we are enemies of God and there is a massive gulf caused by our sin which only Christ through His death on the cross can bridge!