Posted on my Facebook status, today [I've edited it a bit]:
Was thinking today that the world is like a little child who is offered a choice between a dull £2 coin or a bright, shiny penny.
Despite the £2 coin being worth 200 times more than the shiny penny, they choose the penny because it's shiny, bright and looks pretty!
The world is like this with Christ. He is worth infinitely much more than the world could EVER offer, but the way of Christ looks dull and boring. The way of world seems much more exciting with its disco lights, its pleasure parks, its parties and such - they last for a moment and I'm not saying that going to pleasure parks or parties is wrong, but compared to Christ they are passing follies!
Years ago (before becoming a Christian), I built my life on the shiny penny principle - it was great fun going out with friends, but the fun only lasted a few drinks, before I was spent out. Or a few dances, before I went home smelling of cigarette smoke and with hurting feet. It seemed like fun, but really these things are just distant memories.
On 10th December 1990 I committed my life to Christ and now I LIVE - not just now, but in eternity! My perspective on things changed. My definition of fun changed! I would much rather have a seemingly dull £2 coin than a worthless bright penny which can't buy anything, nor give any returns!
For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:3-4
Was thinking today that the world is like a little child who is offered a choice between a dull £2 coin or a bright, shiny penny.
Despite the £2 coin being worth 200 times more than the shiny penny, they choose the penny because it's shiny, bright and looks pretty!
The world is like this with Christ. He is worth infinitely much more than the world could EVER offer, but the way of Christ looks dull and boring. The way of world seems much more exciting with its disco lights, its pleasure parks, its parties and such - they last for a moment and I'm not saying that going to pleasure parks or parties is wrong, but compared to Christ they are passing follies!
Years ago (before becoming a Christian), I built my life on the shiny penny principle - it was great fun going out with friends, but the fun only lasted a few drinks, before I was spent out. Or a few dances, before I went home smelling of cigarette smoke and with hurting feet. It seemed like fun, but really these things are just distant memories.
On 10th December 1990 I committed my life to Christ and now I LIVE - not just now, but in eternity! My perspective on things changed. My definition of fun changed! I would much rather have a seemingly dull £2 coin than a worthless bright penny which can't buy anything, nor give any returns!
For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory. Colossians 3:3-4