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Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Excursion through Exodus

At the moment I am going through the Bible - straight through, from Genesis - Revelation (eventually). I realised a while back how I've been a Christian for almost 25 years and I haven't read all the way through the Bible. This morning I was reading about the construction of the Tabernacle, and this was what I gleaned from it (copied from my Facebook profile, so not sure if the formatting will be OK):

Excursion through Exodus - the construction of the tabernacle was so precise, but it didn't save! The blood of many animals was shed on the altar but it wasn't forever because animals had to be sacrificed continually! Once a year the holy of holies was entered and only by the priest! The 10 commandments were in the ark of the covenant and the show bread was always there.
All born again believers are now the Church, instead of the Shekinah glory being in the Holy of Holies, each of us is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The many cloths covered the tabernacle, but now our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit, covered in the Robe of Righteousness and Garment of Salvation, the blood sprinkled on the mercy seat is needed no more, because Christ's blood was shed at Calvary and we are now covered by it. We approach the High Priest daily, Jesus being that High Priest, making Himself an offering of atonement and the Scapegoat on the altar which is the Cross! He is the Show Bread, He provides manna for us daily! Give us this day our daily bread - spiritual food as well as physical food! Naked on the cross He hung, covered only in His wounds and blood - these were His High Priestly robes, no ephod, no breastplate, no headcovering - only thorns for a crown! The fire on the altar, for Christ, was God's wrath and judgement! This wrath was burned up on Christ! Our sins were laid on Him, our Scapegoat, as He entered the wilderness of God's forsaking of Him! He endured the pain and suffering alone, no one to comfort Him, no one to help Him, the wilderness of our sins was endured by Him and Him alone! Hallelujah, what a Saviour!

As the animal would have backslidden, pulling away from that altar, smelling and fearing death, the Lord Jesus Christ, willingly went to that altar! Would the animals have been making noise and clamour? Would the priests have said prayers over the beasts? Jesus went silently and instead of prayers, He heard mocking and jeering. The stench of burned flesh would have surrounded the tabernacle, the stench of our sin would have been with Christ as He bore it! The Sinless One, bearing the weight of our sins! Trillions upon trillions of sins! Such a weight, such a heavy burden!

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Once Saved Always Saved

I wrote a post about not losing your salvation - read it HERE

Now opponents of this doctrine say - but that means you can sin all you like and all you have to do is repent [that's called antinomianism]

Antinomianism is as unbiblical as losing your salvation! How come?

Romans 6:15 has the answer

What then? Shall we sin because we are not under law but under grace? Certainly not!

The argument continues:

16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness? 17 But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. 18 And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.
22 But now having been set free from sin, and having become slaves of God, you have your fruit to holiness, and the end, everlasting life.

Thursday, 2 July 2015

Matthew 4:1-11 Satan tempts Jesus

These are my thoughts, from my quiet time 2nd July 2015.

The wilderness is a barren place and one which may have wild and dangerous animals in it! It is also a place of solitude and maybe somewhere which could make one vulnerable. Well, Jesus was taken to the wilderness by the Holy Spirit and He fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, after which, Satan came to Him! To be our 100% Substitute Christ HAD to be tempted so that He could identify Himself with those He was going to redeem! 

1. Physical temptation - Jesus was physically hungry and probably thirsty when Satan came to Him. So in a human context He would have been weak and vulnerable - Satan being the sly old thing he is, used Christ's hunger to tempt Him. In some ways he used a similar technique he used in Eden - trying to make it sound like if Jesus couldn't do the miracle, then His ministry and work was going to be of no use and He wasn't who He claimed to be. He wanted Eve to doubt God in Eden - and not be truthful in His command about not eating the fruit. 

Now when the tempter came to Him, he said, If You are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread.”

See that IF - it's like Satan is saying - come on prove that You are who You say You are

Satan thinks he has found a chink in Christ's armour - hunger! "OK You're hungry and as You claim to be the Creator of these stones - prove it, turn them into bread."

Christ must have been absolutely famished after fasting for so long BUT He is mightier than those things in the world and being The Word He counters Satan with the word! He, the Creator, the all-powerful One was NOT going to fall prey to the created, dark, fallen angel. He counters Satan by quoting Deuteronomy 8:3

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’”

Satan uses physical things to tempt us as well. Money, bigger house, faster car etc. Anyone in Christ doesn't need those things to be sustained. None of those things can fill the 'God space' we have in our souls! Only God can fill that 'aching void'

OK that didn't work so now Satan tries a slightly different tack

2. Positional temptation - Jesus, being the Son of God, had the legions of heaven at His command. To prove who He said He was Satan tempts Jesus to throw Himself off the temple (the dwelling place of God - Shekinah glory). Again the Evil One uses the word IF... goading the Lord to prove Himself? He didn't need to prove to Satan who He says He was - for a start He created him and He had also fulfilled some O.T. prophecies. Here Satan uses Scripture again to tempt Jesus (Psalm 91:11, 12)

“If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down. For it is written:
‘He shall give His angels charge over you,’

‘In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.’

Again Jesus counters him with Scripture (Deuteronomy 6:16). 

“It is written again, ‘You shall not tempt the Lord your God.’”

We can't tempt God because He is above and beyond our comprehension and His ways are perfect! 

People try and tempt us to doubt our walk, our faith etc - If you are a Christian then you shouldn't do this or that etc As a Christian you shouldn't judge anyone, so long as they love one another and are committed to one another who are you to judge them? - BUT what does the world know of Spiritual things? Nothing - they aren't indwelt by the Holy Spirit! They live in Satan's domain and under his sway so don't be intimidated by their false accusations and their supposed knowledge of Scripture! 

3. Pride temptation - Jesus has no pride, being righteous so this was a no-brainer from the get-go! see the irony of this:

Satan takes the Creator up onto the exceedingly high mountain [He created], and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory - as the hymnist wrote:

The kingdoms of this world
Lie in its hand;
See how they rise and fall
At its command...

('it', being the great providence of Heaven/God)

[Great Providence of Heaven by David Charles 1762-1834)

The kingdoms etc. are subject to God's providence anyway and are not Satan's to give away! 

Satan has the audacity to offer those to Christ if He would worship the created, fallen being! Again Jesus counters this with Scripture Deuteronomy 6:13:

“Away with you, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’”

There is only One we should serve, worship and obey - that is God and Him alone!

Satan uses our pride to make us fall these days. Go on a certain TV show to further your career, do this and the world will love you. It doesn't matter if you metaphorically stab someone in the back to get a promotion - just think of the respect you will gain. That little white lie - that's nothing, doesn't mean a thing - it will get you out of trouble and you will be the best amongst your colleagues, school friends, neighbours, church folk!

It really goes to show how important it is to read and memorise our Scripture. I was thinking that it is part of our spiritual armour - the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God [Ephesians 6:17b]. How can we counter accusations etc if we can't wield the Sword of the Spirit?

Satan will accuse us of lacking in love or compassion if we say that gay marriage is wrong or adultery/flirting etc is wrong - it's only harmless fun - why should you judge someone who is having fun? The judging argument is a lie - the only judging we're not to do is hypocritical judging.

Do you really think you're a Christian because of... (insert Satan's lies here).

We need to be rooted and grounded in Scripture and be filled with the love of Christ and the wisdom of God to know how to counter all of the world's accusations! 

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Fire on Earth

The other day I was pondering the fact that the world is totally and utterly opposed to the things of the Church. There should be no compromise or appeasement with the world even though that may mean persecution and maybe death! 

I thought about Shadrach, Mishach and Abed-Nego in the fiery furnace - they were opposed to the world and they were cast in very hot fire. A true Church should be opposed to the world - no compromise, no appeasement, just standing firm on the rock! Even if the world casts the first stone (they are good at judging the Church), we stand firm. No compromise, no appeasement. 

The Church has been in the middle of the furnace throughout the generations - the fire has burned stronger at times, than other times, but still the battle rages on around us!

I began to think about being in the furnace on earth - I would rather be in the furnace on earth for a short time, than to spend eternity in hell with no escape! There is a way in, but no way out! The thought is horrific. To experience God's wrath and damnation forever - UGH, no thanks!

For the world there is no fire - they stoke the fires with their persecution of the Church. They can sue, burn (literally), murder, destroy but they will never be able to take away the fact that the Church is saved and protected. 

"Vengeance is Mine!" says the Lord and His Church will one day be vindicated!

Take heart believer - you are eternally safe. It may be dangerous on earth now, but none can snatch you out of His hand!

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

Some questions about me

There are a few posts going around FB which are basically questions you answer about yourself! Well I thought I would post some about my Christian life :)


1. Have you always been a Christian? NO
2. When did you become a Christian? 10th December 1990 at about 21:00
3. Where were you when you became a Christian? Rue du Bemel, Woluwe Saint Pierre - which was my atheist employers' house
4. Did you go to church? Yes - The International Baptist Church in Wezembeek-Oppem 
5. What influenced you to search the Christian faith? I read John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress and saw that going to church didn't make you a Christian - it was faith in Jesus Christ which saved you! Of course the Holy Spirit first of all ;)
6. Have you been baptised? I was christened as a baby and I was fully immersed as an adult believer on 27th January 1991 in the International Baptist Church 
7. Was there ever any other religion you may have considered? What? Yes - Buddhism - a trip to Thailand put pay to that!
8. Would you ever consider converting to another religion now? NO


9. What is your favourite Scripture verse? There are so many, but at the moment it has to be Matthew 6: 19-21 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
10. Who is your favourite Bible character (other than Jesus ;) )? Why? The apostle Paul (who has had so much grief from people saying he's a misogynist - people who have never read anything by the rabbis of his day) the man was resolute and immoveable and did actually respect women. Peter is also another favourite because he also put his mouth into gear before his brain - like me :o
11. Which book of the Bible is your favourite? The one book I have found much comfort and rest in, is Isaiah, although I do like the rest of the Bible! I also love Daniel and Revelation
12. Which book of the Bible has surprised you the most?
There are 2 which I didn't think I would like - Leviticus and Job - I thought I would find them difficult, but I didn't!
13. What is your favourite  book (besides the Bible ;) )? The Hiding Place, by Corrie ten Boom - it's an autobiography
14. Who is your favourite author(s)? - Corrie ten Boom, CH Spurgeon and AW Tozer
15. Are you reading a Christian book at the moment? No, but I plan to read Heaven and Hell by Prof Edward Donnelly, soon!
16. Which Christian poem, you wrote, is your favourite? I wrote one about Jairus' daughter and I think that is one I really got into when writing it!


17. What is your doctrinal position? I am an amillennial reformed evangelical Christian, but I do believe that everybody who has accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour will be in glory one day and we will all worship Him together as one!
18. Is there anything amazing (other than conversion) which has happened during your Christian life? Where do I begin? - so many amazing things, prayers answered, lessons learned, growth, times of coldness, but also times of phenomenal warmth. One day I was sorting my sons' vests out and only thought - They need more vests, but we can't afford them. I didn't tell anybody, not even my husband and then 2 days later a neighbour knocked on the door with a bag full of vests and pants! Not just physical things - being able to truly forgive people, having peace in my heart about certain situations etc!
19. Do you pray? Yes, but not as often as I should! 
20. Do you read the Bible - Yes, but as above - not as often as I should!